CLICK HERE to download
BEFORE You Get Your Puppy

CLICK HERE to download 
AFTER You Get Your Puppy

These two books describe six essential exercises for your puppy's first two and a half months at home, clearly rank-ordering the exercises in terms of what's urgent and what's important.

If you already have a puppy or adult dog, for the easiest, quickest, and most enjoyable way to teach basic manners: 

CLICK HERE to download 
Dr. Dunbar's Good Little Dog Book

Depending on your browser, you may need to Download and/or Save the file to your device after you click the link above.

and the link — — with all your doggy friends, family, and neighbors, and local veterinarian, pet store, and shelter, ie people who customarily meet puppy owners before or during the first week their new pup comes home, and please encourage everyone to share the books with their friends, customers, clients, and colleagues. We want to reach as many people as possible so that eventually, every prospective puppy buyer will know about these books, before they get their puppy.

If you're still searching for a puppy; 

CLICK HERE for Dunbar Academy's
Free Course Collection
to access the Guide to Getting a Puppy or Dog 
and the Free Puppy Training Course.

Our free books and courses are an excellent place to start but they're just the beginning... 

For the ultimate education in puppy/dog training for you and your dog, we created the Top Dog Academy. 

The Top Dog Academy is a massive online dog behavior and training resource comprising numerous courses for first-time puppy/dog owners, and in-depth, multi-day seminars for seasoned professionals. All in all, hundreds and hundreds of hours of dog training video and audio content that is as entertaining as it is educational!

Learning how to train your dog has never been so much fun! And the best way to find out is to see for yourself. And so...

CLICK HERE for a 1-Month Free Trial of the 
Top Dog Academy Subscription

Since the entire TDA would take over four or five months to binge-watch, we know that many of you will want to stay longer to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to explore hundreds and hundreds of hours of video.

For an even better deal:

CLICK HERE for an Annual Subscription to the 
Top Dog Academy for just $150/year

All the courses below, and more, are included in your 1-Month FREE Trial of the Top Dog Academy:

Get access to all of the above courses for FREE

When you join the Top Dog Academy with a Free 1-Month Trial

What people are saying

“I am a long-time reasonably savvy dog owner, and I have read a lot of books on dog behavior and training, but Dunbar Academy is the single most valuable resource I have found - a one-stop treasure trove of information, wisdom and experience. My biggest regret is that I didn’t know all this before I bought my GSD.”

David V.

“AMAZING! This training is an amazing resource for beginning trainers and veteran trainers alike. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it! ”

Alicia M.

“All of the information here and within Top Dog Academy is just absolutely epic, if I had the focus and time availability I'd learn from your website 24 hours a day! I wish I'd found it earlier in my life but I'm certainly going to make the most of it now. Everything you say makes so much sense, with the perfect level of explanation, terminology and instruction being used, along with humor to make you smile. This learning is giving me the confidence and answers that I've sought for so long...”

Melanie V.

“I am so glad I discovered Dunbar Academy. I have learned so much and now feel confident in training my dogs. Lots of great information!”

Beverlie H.

“This course is phenomenal. I came across this incredible course when my pooch turned 5 months, and wish I had known of it before. I had taken him to puppy classes, yet this would have been immensely beneficial. However, it’s been brilliant and I am so glad I have it now, and using it as it is enlightening and helping me in numerous ways. ”

Claudia S.

“Amazingly helpful! What a gift this course and training are to the world and to our pets. Thank you for your life's work, Ian. ”

Susan S.

“Dr. Dunbar is an endless wealth of knowledge about dogs, their behavior, and how to manage the behavior of their humans! Great resource for dog trainers or dog owners wanting to get more out of their relationship with their dog.”

Celia S.

“The Most Comprehensive Dog Training Program! This program was well thought out, thorough and provided meticulous instruction and direction! I learned so much!! 🐶👍🐶👍🐶”

Caroline Y.

“I absolutely love you guys. I am super excited and I have learned so much from your courses. I am finding so much helpful information. Thank you so much for making this affordable. I may be a lifetime member. Thank you again. Keep doing what you are doing. ”

Carrie V.

“When I first heard Dr. Ian Dunbar speak about positive training, I did not know how quickly he would change the dog training world – I just knew my face hurt from laughing so much that first day because he made us all see the insanity of some of the ways we trained dogs back then. But my dog training buddies and I figured it out pretty darn fast when EVERYTHING he ever told us to do worked. I still regularly open an email from Dunbar Academy or read a topic again to find a new great video, chart, exercise, lecture or detail (after training dogs & people for more than 45 years myself!). I continue to quote him every day in my own classes...”


Student Testimonials

Dr. Ian Dunbar is one of the world's most respected experts on dog training and behavior, with a veterinary degree from London University and a doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley. In 1982, he designed and taught the world's very first off-leash puppy socialization and training classes – SIRIUS® Puppy Training – and revolutionized the world of pet dog training. He founded the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the world's largest association of dog trainers, has authored numerous books and videos,  has given over one thousand seminars and workshops around the world and has trained thousands of dogs. He has been instrumental in the rise of reward-based, fun and games, scientifically-sound dog training methods.

Kelly Dunbar has spent her life training dogs, beginning in Chicago where she founded her own dog behavior counseling service, then in Los Angeles at the SPCALA's Outreach Department. Kelly co-founded Dog Star Daily with Ian, a website filled with free dog training information and resources, and she also started a non-profit called Open Paw that created and promoted resources for dog shelters. Kelly is the lead instructor and the director of curricula at SIRIUS Puppy Training and Dunbar Academy.

Jamie Dunbar is Ian's son, and he initially joined the family business as a cameraman and video editor, but his role has since expanded to encompass a wide variety of responsibilities, including marketing, advertising, graphic design and writing. Jamie is an expert at taking complicated ideas and making them simple and accessible to novices, which is something he also enjoys doing in the form of his illustrated books for children.

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