Pre-launch research
I have been building something that I believe has the potential to help thousands of Australian families, new and experienced investors, SMSFs, retirees and business owners to invest better. 

I think it combines the best of DIY investing and a 'do-it-for-me' approach, community and transparency.

If you can take a few minutes to complete this short, anonymous questionnaire, it will deeply inform our strategy and what we can offer you. Every response will be read by me. 
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Please select your age range
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Which of these best describes your investing focus right now
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What are your *investable* assets right now? 
"Investable" = everything you can control (e.g. an SMSF, equity in an investment property, your share + ETF portfolio, etc.). 

Basically, everything except your home. 
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What's the #1 goal you're investing for?
For example, it might be kid's education, financial independence, retirement, passive income, a $1,000,000 super balance. Or maybe you're already in retirement and seeking reliable income.

Note: this information will never be used by us to tailor investments to your specific needs or objectives. This anonymous question is an opportunity for me to understand, generally, why our community invests the way they do.
One of things I'm hoping to do as part of this service would be, if you invest with me you will be invited to quarterly investor meet-ups around the country. I think this builds a deeper sense of connection that's often lost when investing with professionals. 

To help us plan these events, in which state/city are you located?
For example, in December our team might travel to host an event in Brisbane, then next quarter we might get everyone down to Sydney, then Adelaide, etc. All loyal Rask investors could attend in-person or online, complimentary. 
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Finally, which of these best describes how your household (i.e. you and your family, if applicable) will be investing in the coming decade?
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Any other notes or ideas?
Please use the space below to drop any advice, suggestions, notes, ideas or feedback you have for me or the Rask team. 
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