What is Leading Saints?

You can read more about Leading Saints on our ABOUT PAGE, but in short, Leading Saints is a non-profit (501c3) organization that is striving to help Latter-day Saints be better prepared to lead. We aim to accomplish this mission by creating content (podcasts, written articles, virtual/live conferences, etc.) Leading Saints is not a training organization. We hope the resources at Leading Saints will supplement your leadership development and help you bless the lives of other Latter-day Saint who you lead.

What Topics Are Discussed on Leading Saints?

You will find a variety of topics discussed through our podcast, online articles, and webinars. The best place to start is to use the website search function or to explore content related to the following callings:

Leading Saints Podcast

We post new podcast episodes 1-2 times a week in which Kurt Francom interviews an author, trainer, or leader (typically with a Latter-day Saint background). Our episodes are easy to listen to on the go — about 30-60 minutes — and are available on most major podcast providers: Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, or any other player of your choice. Be sure to subscribe through your favorite podcasting app so that you don’t miss any future episodes. We have many years of episodes so we recommend starting with the most listened to episodes and going from there.

Leadership Conferences

We are striving to create in-depth online conferences that focus on specific leadership topics. You can explore all of them for free for 14 days.


Visit the Leading Saints Store to see the awesome products available for purchase. All proceeds go towards the support of Leading Saints.

Never Miss Leading Saints Content

To make sure you never miss the valuable content created on Leading Saints be sure to do the following:

Join the Leading Saints Community

Become a Core Leader

We want to reward our monthly/yearly donors with additional content because without their contributions we would not be able to continue creating valuable content. Everyone that contributes through an automatic donation will be apart of the Core Leader community which has access to our webinar library and additional podcast content, as well as private discussion areas. To become a Core Leader DONATE NOW.

Join the Community Discussion

We have a community page to discuss questions related to leadership callings (How do you improve ward council? How do you manage your records? etc.) JOIN THE COMMUNITY NOW.

How do we help leaders

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Leading Saints
What is Leading Saints?
How do we help leaders
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