In this short interview, Kurt talks with Brent & Courtney Ebmeyer about the upcoming North Star Conference. The 2022 conference is June 9-11 both in-person and streaming online. Learn more about Listen to the podcast with Brent & Bruce Ebmeyer, Learning to Lead SSA Saints Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast

The Leading Saints Podcast gets over 300,000 listens each month and has nearly 10 million total downloads as part of nonprofit Leading Saints’ mission to help latter-day saints be better prepared to lead. Learn more and listen to any of the past episodes for free at

Past guests include Emily Belle Freeman, David Butler, Hank Smith, John Bytheway, Liz Wiseman, Stephen M. R. Covey, Julie Beck, Brad Wilcox, Jody Moore, Tony Overbay, John H. Groberg, Elaine Dalton, Tad R. Callister, J. Devn Cornish, Dennis B. Neuenschwander, Anthony Sweat, John Hilton III, Barbara Morgan Gardner, Blair Hodges, Ryan Gottfredson, Greg McKeown, DeAnna Murphy, Michael Goodman, Richard Ostler and many more in over 700 episodes.

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Leading Saints
One in Christ North Star Conference 2022
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