Exasperated Dick Durbin Challenges Manchin and Sinema to Name Their Price: ‘We Are One Heartbeat Away from Losing the Majority’


Normally circumspect Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) directly addressed fellow Senate Democrats Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) in blunt terms on CNN Wednesday.

The House is scheduled to vote on a bipartisan infrastructure deal that was passed by the Senate in August. However, progressives have threatened to vote no after Speaker Nancy Pelosi reversed course on her pledge that the House would not take up such legislation until after the Senate passes a larger bill containing President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

Manchin and Sinema have proven to be centrist roadblocks to a larger bill, and have been rather opaque regarding what, if anything, can get them to vote yes on such legislation. On Wednesday, Manchin issued a statement saying he won’t support trillions more in spending. With the Senate divided 50-50, all Senate Democrats would have to vote for such a bill in order to pass through budget reconciliation, considering that almost certainly no Republicans will vote for it.

Wolf Blitzer asked Durbin about Manchin’s position, and the Senator challenged Manchin and Sinema to explain what they want.

“I think we’ve shown a lot of respect to our colleagues who obviously have a different point of view when it comes to reconciliation,” said Durbin. “There’s been meaningful negotiation that’s gone on for weeks. The president has been involved personally. I’ve never seen a president engage this way since Barack Obama’s days with the Affordable Care Act. So, we’re all in, all aboard. Now it’s time, I would say, for both senators, make your mark and close the deal. What is it that you want? What is your final goal? It’s time to stop talking around it and speak directly to it.”

“Your talking about Senator Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema?” asked Blitzer.

“Yes, I am,” replied Durbin.

Blitzer noted Manchin’s suggestion that Democrats wait until later this year before considering a larger bill.

“He’s my friend,” Durbin said. “I respect him and I’ve tried my best to sit down for a few minutes and talk to him about this. But I would say to him, we can’t delay these things. Simply delaying them is just inviting a bad result, to be honest with you. You know, we are one heartbeat away from losing the majority in the United States Senate. And I’ve been in the Senate long enough to see that happen. So I would urge Joe, if you believe there’s value and merit to the programs in the reconciliation bill, don’t wait. Do it now.”

Watch above via CNN.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.