Kamala Harris Pushes Back on Reported Dysfunction With White House: ‘I Don’t’ Feel Misused


Vice President Kamala Harris denied reports that her office is dealing with “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus” with respect to her role within President Joe Biden’s administration.

Harris gave an interview to George Stephanopoulos on Thursday for Good Morning America, where she spoke about the infrastructure bill, immigration, and dismissed concern about her and Biden’s struggling poll numbers. Eventually, Stephanopoulos alluded to CNN’s massive recent report suggesting that her staff has “failed her,” and she feels out of place.

“Vice presidents always face chatter about their role and relevance. You’re no exception to that,” Stephanopoulos said. “Even your close friends and allies like the Lieutenant Governor of California Eleni Kounalakis have expressed some frustration because they think you can be more helpful than you’ve been asked to be. Do you share that frustration? What do you say to your friends who are frustrated?”

“This was a good week,” Harris retorted, “and this week, when we got this Bipartisan Infrastructure Act passed and signed by the president, it makes a statement about all of the hard work that has gone into it, month after month after month. I’ve traveled around the country, as has the president and convened members of Congress. We convened people around our nation asking ‘What do you want.’ And this is a response to what they want, and it’s actually going to hit the ground in a way that is going to have direct impact on the American people. We’re getting things done and we’re doing it together.”

Stephanopoulos brought it back to the crux of CNN’s report by then asking “so you don’t feel misused or underused?”

“No, I don’t,” Harris answered. “I am very, very excited about the work that we have accomplished, but I am also absolutely clear-eyed that there is a lot more to do, and we’re going to get it done.”

Watch above, via ABC.

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