Reuven Lerner's Python Courses/Decorators (recording of live Webinar from Oct. 2021)

  • $180

Decorators (recording of live Webinar from Oct. 2021)

  • Webinar
  • Started Oct 24, 2021 at 11:00 AM EDT

Decorators are one of the most powerful techniques that a Python developer can have in their arsenal. But decorators are also among the most confusing topics that most developers encounter.

In this recording of a four-hour class I gave in October 2021, I teach  everything you need to know about decorators — what they are, how they work, and how to use them in your work:
  • How decorators work
  • How to decorate functions
  • Using decorators for private storage across function invocations
  • Decorators with arguments
  • Nested decorators
  • Decorating classes

As with all of my courses, I live-coded everything, and we had a bunch of exercises. The Jupyter notebooks and files I created are available, as well.

Frequently asked questions

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

When will the class be running?

Sunday, October 24th, at 18:00 (aka 6 p.m.) in Israel. 

Will the class include any hands-on exercises?

Yes, many!  I aim for at least 30% of each class to be spent in exercises — doing them, discussing them, and reviewing them.

Do you offer discounts?

  • For students
  • For retirees/pensioners/seniors
  • For people adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic
  • For people living permanently outside of the world's 30 richest countries.
Do you fit one of these categories? Just e-mail me at, and I'll send you a discount coupon.

What version of Python will we use?

3.10, the most current version when this class takes place. But if you use 3.8 or 3.9, you'll be just fine.

What do I need to install?

Other than Python and your favorite editor/IDE, I tend to use Jupyter notebooks quite a lot. So you'll want to install that, too.

Not familiar with Jupyter? Here's a video from my YouTube channel on how to install it:

I can't attend the live class. Will there be a recording?

Yes! It'll be available within 24 hours of the class ending.

I have other questions.

I have answers! Just contact me at, and I'll answer ASAP.