Trump Tells Senators and Donors at Retreat ‘I’m Not Into Golden Showers’

Donald Trump speaks at NC GOP convention in June of 2021

Melissa Sue Gerrits, Getty Images

The National Republican Senatorial Committee held a retreat in Palm Springs, Florida on Thursday where Donald Trump apparently tried again to put an old rumor to rest.

Trump delivered a keynote on the final night of the retreat to a crowd of GOP senators, donors, and lobbyists. False claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election featured prominently, according to a report in The Washington Post.

“They cheat like hell, and they stick together,” Trump said about Democrats. “The Republican Party has to stick together.”

“It’s a terrible thing what they did in Georgia and other states,” he said, referring to a state that he and two incumbent Republican senators lost.

Trump also slammed the impeachment efforts against him, calling Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) “maniacs.”

“It was all phony s—, ok,” Trump said, calling the investigation of his potential ties to Russia “phony stuff.”

At one point, apropos of nothing, Trump recalled the unproven rumor against him stating that he likes being peed on for sexual pleasure. The claim appeared in the infamous Steele dossier.

“I’m not into golden showers,” he told the crowd. “You know the great thing, our great First Lady — ‘That one,’ she said, ‘I don’t believe that one.’”

Trump also took aim at those Republicans who have opposed him at various times, including Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Ben Sasse (R-NE).

The 45th president also claimed he revived the Republican Party. “It was a dying party, I’ll be honest,” he said. “Now we have a very lively party.”

As the Post pointed out in its report, the GOP lost control of the House, Senate, and White House during his tenure.

Trump’s speech came just a day after he put out a statement telling Republicans to prioritize his false claims of election fraud or their voters will not turn out in 2022 or 2024.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.