Cuba’s president Miguel Díaz-Canel is telling his patrols to respond with force.
According to The Daily Wire, “Cuban police are ‘beefing up’ patrols, allegedly at the behest of Cuba’s president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, who has made clear he will respond to the pro-democracy movement with force. An internet blackout, however, has descended on the country, making stories of Cuban officials’ response to the protests difficult to confirm.”
But videos like these, including one shared on Twitter by Senator Marco Rubio, are still finding a way off the island:
We have a full scale calamity emerging in #Cuba
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 13, 2021
People are documenting it & sending over videos whenever they get brief access to the internet
See below a protestor seriously wounded by regime forces being rushed by civilians to the hospital#SOSCuba
— Giancarlo Sopo (@GiancarloSopo) July 13, 2021
I am receiving many videos from contacts in Cuba.
In this one we see state security forces beating and arresting unarmed protestors in Havana.#PatriaYVida #AbajoLaDictadura
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