Persecution of Christians is growing rapidly.
As 1 in every 8 Christians are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ, you can make a difference. Give hope, strengthen believers and ensure that the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to go out into the darkest places around the world.
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Donations can be made to Christian Faith and Freedom Inc. using the details below.
Account name: Christian Faith and Freedom Incorporated
BSB: 012 984
Account number: 2508 28564
Reference: "Advocacy", "Rapid Response Fund", or "Lebanon Aid/Lebanon Appeal"
"If one member suffers, all suffer together..." 1 Corinthians 12:26 [ESV]
Your gift strengthens CFF's ability to alert governments to the plight of persecuted Christians.
Your gift provides the much-needed funds to enable CFF to distribute practical support around the world - where it's needed, when it's needed most.