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Selenium Visual Diff


The goal is a better integration of screenshots taking in maven executed selenium2 functional tests, storing and versioning of screenshots to get a report of visual differences between two application versions.


See sample report


Embed jUnit4 and the selenium2-visualdiff core library as dependencies in your funtional test maven module:


Add the selenium2-visualdiff-maven-plugin to the maven module:


And after all, embed org.kreyssel.selenium2.visualdiff.core.junit4.TakesScreenshotRule in your functional test:


import org.kreyssel.selenium2.visualdiff.core.junit4.TakesScreenshotRule;

 * SimpleSeleniumIT.
public class SimpleSeleniumIT {

    public TakesScreenshotRule screenshot = new TakesScreenshotRule();
    RemoteWebDriver driver;
    public void init() {
      driver = createDriver();
    public void destroy() {
    public void test1() throws Exception {
        driver.get( "http://localhost:8080" );

        screenshot.takeScreenshot( driver );

After the executions of functional tests in a maven run, all screenshots taken at this time are packaged as zip and attached to the build as ${} This archive is deployed to maven repository in the deploy phase of the maven build.

The selenium2-visualdiff report plugin generates a report that shows you the different screens per testcase compared to the previous release.